VulnHub’s W1r3s: A Walkthrough

Noel Varghese
6 min readJan 3, 2022


This is an easy Linux box created by SpecterWires.The privilege escalation to root was a piece of cake. Enumeration was a bit tricky, aided by my lack of knowledge of the LFI Vulnerability

Let’s start hacking, shall we!

netdiscover the IP Address


Normal Stealth scan, with all port scan -

We get FTP,SSH,HTTP and MySQL ports open

We first target FTP-Port 21

Suceesful Login — Username — anonymous Password — <spacebar>
Successful Login- Username — ftp Password — <spacebar>
We get the same directory listing,for both logins

Let’s enumerate more:-
/content (Directory listing)

/employee-names-Possible usernames on SSH or Web Server!

(Directory listing)

We have ‘get’ them and are downloaded to /root
Let’s analyze each file:-


02.txt — Base64 encoded text below!

03.txt--Probably the SSH Banner

employee-names.txt -Total of 6 possible users

Naomi .W — Manager
Hector.A — IT Dept
Joseph.G — Web Design
Albert.O — Web Design
Gina.L — Inventory
Rico.D — Human Resources

worktodo.txt - — Upside down text

Decipherable Text from message-”I don’t think this is the way to root”

“We have a lot of work to do,stop playing around….”

We take the base64 string and store it into a file named ‘Decode’

Decode Command-base64 — decode Decode >> Decode

It doesn't return an error message, so the text is base64 alright

Opening the file, we get-:-

Dead end, but let’s hop to the port 80
We encounter Ubuntu’s Apache2 web server default webpage. Let’s enumerate webpages and webservers


First a dirb scan, with common.txt
Wooh, we uncover a robots.txt file, along with WordPress pages!

Fuzzing the webserver using big.txt also yields similar results

Now performing a server scan, with nikto, gives us the following results:-

Now, we head to the browser and enumerate the directories

When going to /administrator, we are met with these configuration pages. Seems like Cuppa CMS has not been set up fully.We are at /administrator/installation

We also gain info, that the CMS being used is Cuppa CMS
More recon: As suspected administrator’s account credentials are:-

Source — straight from the horse’s mouth —

I can’t just seem to create the Administrator’s user
Poking into /adminstrator/robots.txt, we find-

Ok, the entire directory is hidden from view

Now let’s enumerate the directory webpages

/api — {“error”:”-1".”error_message”:”API Key required”}
/index.php and /installation — Same page
/js -Blank
/media — Contains a uploads folder.More vindication that Cuppa CMS can be installed and configured properly

Let’s leave Cuppa CMS aside and focus on the WordPress login page

Looking at URL-http://localhost/WordPress -Unable to connect page.

What do we do? -Set as localhost in /etc/hosts-

Heading back to our browser, we are met with the fully loaded CMS website

Since it is a WordPress site, let’s start up our wpscan

Command-wpscan — URL http://localhost/wordpress — enumerate u — disable-tls-checks

We get:-

Enumeration Analysis

Version of Wordpress-4.9.18
Possible Users:-
Wordpress Theme being used-TwentySeventeen Version 1.4

We do have a login page at /wp-admin

We bruteforce the 3 usernames, along with password.lst,rockyou.txt and john — rules(from Usernames found on FTP)

Meanwhile earlier, we found an entry for Cuppa CMS on searchsploit/
Searching up the exploit on our machine:-

We use the given exploit, making modifications

Final Payload

We get this blank screen

What can we utilize? cURL -Just as used in previous LFI vulnerability boxes

On the command line, type
Command-curl — data-urlencode urlConfig=../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd

We get the /etc/passwd file in return

Seems like w1r3s is the only normal user.
Let’s fire up the command again to get the /etc/shadow file and hopefully a hashed password

Our guess was right and we get back

Using hash-identifier tool, we insert the hash and get back confirmation that the hash is a SHA-256 encoded one. -

We used JohnTheRipper to crack the hashed password

Copied the hash to a file named hash and ran the following command:-
Command-john — wordlist=/usr/share/john/passwords.lst Hash
We get back:-


Gaining Access

Credentials for SSH

We login
Found these in the SSH banner and after successful login-

Privilege Escalation

Then I ran sudo -l, to find my rights -Found I could run all (Wildcard!). This is a vulnerability in fact

Ran sudo su -Got elevated to root, without password

Went to /root, to find our flag.txt


Well, you have it now!

What I learned:-

  • Brushed up on my knowledge of the LFI Vulnerability


  • Privilege Escalation was a piece of cake

Thanks for reading this blog entry and making it till here. Until then, there must be some vulnerable boxes, for me to pwn out there……



Noel Varghese
Noel Varghese

Written by Noel Varghese

Threat Researcher at CloudSEK Security+ | eJPT | Connect with me on LinkedIn —

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